I know. It’s been almost two and a half years since the last time I sat in front on my laptop and pressed the “publish” button to post on my blog… but too many things have happened since then. The most important one is that now I’m mum of two […]
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Summer in Engadin. Part IV
In my last post I complained about the weather we’re having this summer in Switzerland. Well, a few weeks later, it hasn’t improved much. It is still too hot! Even if we had a couple of storms lately, it has’t rained enough to cool the temperature enough… So this endless […]
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Summer is here. We’re in the middle of a heat wave in Switzerland, with scorching temperatures above 30ºC (ok, maybe if you’re reading me from Spain this may not sound too hot… but 30º in Switzerland is very hot weather!). And all I can thing about is running away to […]
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And suddenly, here is spring again! It’s been a while since the last time I posted some landscapes here… But if you read my last post, you know the reason why it has taken me too long to publish again. Well, lets’s see if I can start posting again more […]
Read MoreSummer in Engadin. Part I
As I mentioned in my previous post, it’s been a weird summer in Switzerland. Too rainy, not too hot. Lots of storms too! And with a baby, this kind of weather makes it difficult to plan short trips or holidays in the mountains… So when we saw a few sunny […]
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It feels it has been ages since the last time I went outdoors, I took photos, I edited them, I wrote a post and published it… It doesn’t mean that I’ve been idle! So much has happened since then and my life has changed a lot! I stopped going to […]
Read MoreAutumn in Klöntalersee
It’s getting more and more difficult to get out and take photos for me. Not only the current pandemic and the rising numbers of infections in Switzerland discourage me to go to the city centre of Zurich or other crowded places in the outdoors. But it’s getting difficult for me […]
Read MoreThe ascent to Augstmatthorn
Summer has arrived and, with it, restrictions have ended in Switzerland. Little by little we are returning to normality. The only reminder of the epidemic is the few people that wear masks on the streets of Zurich and the hand sanitizer at the door of every shop and restaurant… These […]
Read MoreHiking in green Appenzell
Mountain trains and cable cars are open again here in Switzerland. Another step to normality and, officially, the beginning of the hiking season. Yeeeiiii!!!! Now we can reach higher and more remote places. Before this, everybody was going hiking to the same locations, all reachable by car, and that meant […]
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