It feels it has been ages since the last time I went outdoors, I took photos, I edited them, I wrote a post and published it… It doesn’t mean that I’ve been idle! So much has happened since then and my life has changed a lot! I stopped going to the mountains in autumn when I couldn’t fit in my winter clothes anymore… and I stopped taking photos when my camera started to feel heavy and uncomfortable against my growing belly. I have to confess, it’s been a boring winter at home. Even more if you add the weird times we are living in. During these last months I was a bit afraid of going out and share small places with other people (like mountain trains or cable cars… or even the bus to the city!) while I was pregnant. I didn’t want to get sick with coronavirus or any other thing! So we spent the whole pregnancy at home in Zurich. We didn’t even go to Spain for Christmas. It has been a strange year so far…
But, as I said, a lot has changed! Now I am a mum of a beautiful baby boy. Since he was born four months ago, I’ve been happily busy taking care of him… And taking thousands of photos of him when he lets me (mostly when he sleeps or naps, hehehe). And we are slowly returning to our old habits. And that, of course, means hiking… and photographing! It is a slow come back, as I am still not feeling as fit as I was one year ago… And now the most challenging part of planning a hike is finding trails and paths where we can drive the baby stroller, hehehe. Luckily, Switzerland has trails for everyone and every level, so we have already found a few easy hikes with beautiful views!
I took the photos from this post a few days ago. It’s being a very rainy summer in Switzerland so far. We can’t go to the mountains as often as we would like, so a cloudy day with no rain sounds like a perfect hiking day for us! It’s not too hot for a baby and I can take more dramatic photos with clouds and waves of fog coming and going than on a blue sky day. Win-win! That day we went to Rigi (1798m), in central Switzerland, in Canton Schwyz. I’ve already been in this mountain before, during early summer and winter and it’s always beautiful. This last time, it didn’t disappoint either! We did the panorama trail between the peaks Rigi Kulm and Rigi Scheidegg, a beautiful 8km hike with views of the Alps, lakes and green valleys in every direction. An easy hike to start stretching my legs and retake my camera after so long! And a beautiful one to remember as the first mountain hike of my baby boy 🙂
Here are some photos from that hike. I hope you like them!
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 70mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/500sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 70mm f/11 1/80sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 55mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/1000sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 44mm f/11 1/1000sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 47mm f/4.5 1/3200sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 41mm f/11 1/800sec. ISO250
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 55mm f/11 1/320sec. ISO250
Congratulations, Mercedes! How wonderful that you are now a Mum and can watch your baby boy grow.
The photos are stunning and the green mountains enticing. I see a little fog or mist in the valleys. The end of summer rain?
Thanks a million!! It’s been 4 months of happiness watching him growing and starting to discover the World. It’s fascinating!! 😊
I love Rigi. It’s not super high, it is considered pre-Alp, but the views of Lucerne lake and the Swiss lowlands are superb!! That day was a bit cloudy/foggy though, so we didn’t have many views from the top… fortunately, it improved during the day 😊
And well… end of summer rain?? Not until recently!! Winter was super long this year, followed by a very rainy spring and a very very rainy and mild summer! It wasn’t until last week that the sun decided to shine finally! We postponed our holidays in July and went to the mountains last week, to take advantage of the first four sunny days in a row of this summer, hahaha (the wait was totally worth it, by the way!). But I love these wet and cloudy summers… they remind me of my days in Sweden and Ireland!
Ah – Rain in Sweden! Yes! Love getting kitted out in solid raincoats and heading out, despite the rain. You have had a good deal of rain by the sounds of things. Maybe Autumn will be better.
It is so exciting watching the bubs grow and discover. From one day to the next, they can suddenly perfect a new skill. It is amazing!
Did you see anything about the floodings in Germany this summer?? Well, we had the same rains and Swiss lakes and rivers overflowed as well (but it wasn’t as catastrophic as in Germany, thank God!)… It did rain a lot in Switzerland! And it hasn’t been a hot summer either (that helped a lot with my little baby, hehehe). But after three very hot summers in Switzerland, I have to say that I prefer this kind of soft summer. I hated when I was living in Ireland, but now I see the advantages, hehehe
You’re right, it is super exciting! In four months he has grown so fast! And all the things he has already learned! I can’t wait for the next one and, at the same time, it makes me a bit sad that everything is happening and changing so so fast… I guess that’s what every mother feels, right?
Looking back – the bubs grow up so fast but time carrying them around on the hip goes a bit slowly until they are fully mobile. My baby boy is turning 29! It does not feel like three decades at all. More like 10-15 years… Enjoy the time when they hold your hand tight. That was the best feeling for me. A little child’s hand in mine. You are their world!
I read “days are slow, weeks are fast”… I guess the feeling is worse with years, hehehe. It may sound a bit cliche or cheesy, but I am enjoying every second of it! I knew the hard parts (I’m the older of 5 siblings!), so it weren’t that surprising and that make them more bearable… and the good moments compensate everything!!
That is so lovely to hear Mercedes! You sound like you are a great Mum! Looking forward to hearing more updates as time passes.
I’ve been thinking about you lately and it’s so good to hear from you. I’m glad you made it through your pregnancy and are enjoying your son. Can we see a picture or two of him? These images are lovely!
Thanks a lot, Anne!!! When I wrote the post (a few weeks ago, hehehe!) I checked that you were still posting and seeing your posts in Reader made me very happy! So glad you’ve been busy taking photos during these weird months 😊 (I will try to read your posts, but I can’t find time these days, hehehe).
Uuummm I’m not sure about sharing baby photos… this is something I’ve been thinking a lot during the pregnancy and these first months. I haven’t shared any photos on my social media accounts, usually I share baby photos with my family through other more private platforms like Google photos. Maybe it’s the former lawyer in me, but I think I should protect baby’s privacy from the Internet… but, for example, my sister doesn’t agree with me and thinks I should share it… it’s a fun debate! What do you think about it??