Summer is here. We’re in the middle of a heat wave in Switzerland, with scorching temperatures above 30ºC (ok, maybe if you’re reading me from Spain this may not sound too hot… but 30º in Switzerland is very hot weather!). And all I can thing about is running away to some cooler place! After spending a few weeks in Spain last month, we’re now planning a short holiday here in Switzerland. The Swiss Alps are always the best place to hide from the heat of Zurich summer… And there is a place that is still coming to my mind as a perfect location… Yes, the Engadin Valley! We loved it so much last year that we are considering going again this summer!
I haven’t showed you all the places we visited in Engadin last year. For our third day in the valley, we decided to visit the Wasserweg Furtschellas (the Water trail), an easy and not too long trail (easy enough to carry our, at the time, 4 months old baby with us) in the Corvastch area that takes you past six cristal clear alpine lakes, with beautiful views of the Engadin valley and its lakes and the icy pinacles and mountain peaks of the Corvatsch massive.
Here are some photos from that day. From the very beginning of the day in Maloja pass, where we had our base, to the lakes of the Wasserweg, and back to a beautiful clear sunset as we saw it from our hotel window in Maloja again. I hope you like them!
Hotel Maloja Kulm. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/640sec. ISO250
Engadin. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 45mm f/11 1/160sec. ISO250
Engadin. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 42mm f/11 1/500sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 47mm f/11 1/800sec. iSO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 70mm f/11 1/1000sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/1000sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/500sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/800sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 55mm f/4.5 1/2000sec. ISO250
Wasserweg Furtschellas. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/640sec. ISO250
Sunset in Maloja. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 50mm f/11 1/10sec. ISO250
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