Since I started taking photos I have visited incredibly beautiful places… Iceland is by far my favorite, but there are others that have left me very impressed. Yosemite, Ireland’s west coast, Scotland… They are all gorgeous places! Here in Switzerland there are also so many incredible landscapes. But there is […]
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Hiking in cherrytree-land
I’ve been waiting for this hike for almost a year! When I arrived to Zurich a year ago, I was a bit sad for missing the cherry blossoms in Herbert Park in Dublin. I didn’t know my new city very well and, of course, I didn’t know where these beauties […]
Read MoreLooking for the glacier
The last weekend of February a Siberian storm called Emma, a.k.a. “the Beast from the East”, visited Europe and, of course, Switzerland. While the storm brought very low temperatures and beautiful and rare snowy postcards to some European capitals like Dublin or Rome, here in Switzerland it brought freezing temperatures […]
Read MoreWhite Sunday
A few weeks ago I went to the mountains with some friends. We chose Mt. Rigi, which is very close to Zurich and has a lot of winter hiking trails well maintained during all seasons (I have already shown you photos from Rigi here). When I was planning this trip, […]
Read MoreDingle peninsula and Adare
After exploring the Ring of Kerry and the southern part of the Dingle Peninsula, the third day of my last trip in Ireland started a bit like the previous. It was humid, foggy and cold. But that didn’t stop me. After all, that was the weather I had endured for […]
Read MoreWinter in Co. Kerry
I can’t believe it’s already one year since I took these photos. One year ago I was still living in Ireland and made this last trip around the country as my particular farewell to the Emerald Island. After moving to Switzerland I started to take a lot of photos here […]
Read MoreYosemite III. The mist trail
After two great days exploring different areas in Yosemite National Park (here you can see the photos from Yosemite Valley and Upper Yosemite), I spent my last day in the park following the recommendation of our great B&B hosts: walking the Mist Trail. The day couldn’t have started better. All the fog […]
Read MoreYosemite
I knew Yosemite was going to be one of my favorite parts of my trip in California. This is why I planned a three days visit to the National Park. Once I set foot on Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, I realized I did the right thing. Yosemite is […]
Read MoreFlying over the Alps
When I was offered the opportunity I couldn’t say no. How could I resist to fly over the Alps? Sure, I don’t like airplanes so much, despite having to endure several flights every year… And yes, this time it was a very small airplane… But then again, who could say […]
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