Post Tagged with: "weekly photo challenge"

North Coast 500. Part II

This week I’m travelling to Spain. I’m going to spend a few weeks there, enjoying the sun, the heat and the company of my family and friends… My plan is to rest and disconnect. At least for a few days, I won’t think about grey clouds and rainy days. I […]

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The best of Dublin

It’s been more than a year and a half since I got my camera. In all this time, I think I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve been trying to photograph some of the things I like the most: cityscapes at the beautiful blue hour, all kind of landscapes and a lot […]

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Isle of Skye II

After the beautiful end of the previous day, our second day in the isle didn’t start so well. The weather was very humid, the clouds were very low and dark and soon the drizzle and mist became a heavy rain. We spent that day exploring the northern and western part of Skye, […]

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Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye is the largest island of the Inner Hebrides in Scotland. It is one of the most stunning places in the Scottish Highlands: old volcanoes and mountains, beautiful beaches with turquoise waters and white sand, green valleys, huge cliffs, waterfalls… No wonder why Skye is one of […]

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Dublin’s summer visitor

Summer is coming. After a very short spring, the weather has finally improved a bit and the temperatures have risen suddenly in the last days. People has started to wear lighter clothes, the terraces and parks are full of people enjoying the sun… And the tall ships are coming again […]

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Beneath the cherry blossom

One of the reasons I fell in love with Stockholm when I was living there was its seasons. I was used to the dry, warm and sunny Spanish weather and every change in Stockholm was like a new surprise for me: the impressive colorful autumn, the stillness and pure whiteness […]

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While the city sleeps

Founded in 1592 by Queen Elisabeth I, the Trinity College of Dublin is the oldest university of Ireland. The interior of the college has an impressive set of buildings dating from the 17th to the 20th century, cobbled squares and college greens and its most iconic landmark: the Campanille. I’ve usually visited […]

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First light

I’ve already written about the Forty Foot, one of the most famous swimming spots in Dublin bay and why I like it: the rocks and the movement of the sea allow me to create beautiful dreamlike seascapes. I’ve been there already a few evenings, when the light is very low. The Forty Foot is located […]

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When the sun sets in Dublin

The spring couldn’t have begun better in Dublin this year. The equinox day was a cold but clear and beautiful day. I couldn’t resist the temptation of going again to my favourite place in the city to see the sunset and dusk: the Docklands . It was one of the most […]

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