There are magical places. No matter how many times you’ve been there, you can’t get enough of them. Switzerland has a lot of those places. I’ve been living here for two years and I’ve discovered some of these places… And I keep discovering them! But I also like to revisit them… they never look the same. That’s specially truth when I visit them in different seasons: they feel like totally different places… But even if I visit them during the same season, the weather, the light… it’s never the same!
One of the most magical places in Switzerland is Lauterbrunnen. The valley of the waterfalls is a very powerful place and it always leaves a great impression on those who visit it. I don’t know what is it: the high vertical rock walls and precipices that form the narrow green valley; the numerous waterfalls that run from the glaciers in the mountains and fall delicately from those cliffs; the glaciers and permanent snow of the impressive peaks surrounding the valley; the picturesque traditional Swiss houses; the cow farms and the fresh milk and cheese… the list of reasons to love this valley is infinite!! I haven’t found yet my reason to love Lauterbrunnen… probably it’s all of them and even more. As I said above, it’s a magical place that always makes my imagination run wild. It’s a place so inspiring… Specially in summer, when the summer storms create a very dramatic and beautiful atmosphere in the valley and the mountains around it.
When my brother and his wife visited us a few days ago, I knew I had to take them there. So we woke up very early in the morning and, despite the weather forecast, we took the train to Lauterbrunnen. When we arrived in the valley, low clouds covered it and heavy rain welcomed us. We went directly to Murren and after a few minutes, the rain stopped and we could start exploring the small town. Then the clouds and the fog started to scatter and we could see glimpses of the massive peaks surrounding the valley, here and there, as the clouds danced around the summits. The atmosphere was so mystical! After that, we descended again to the valley to Stechelberg and from there, we walked back to Lauterbrunnen. As we did it, the weather improved and the sun light started to illuminate the landscape, creating a beautiful palette of greens and greys. Once in Lauterbrunnen, we took the mountain train to Wengen, where we enjoyed some of the best panoramic views of the valley.
Here are some photos I took that day. I hope you like them!
Summer fog. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 100mm f/9 1/640sec. ISO640
Edelweiss. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 400mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO640
Light. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 100mm f/11 1/1250sec. ISO640
Little cabin. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 28mm f/11 1/160sec. ISO320
Views from Murren. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 35mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO100
The forest and the mountains. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 70mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO100
Summer green. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 59mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO320
Paragliding in the valley. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 63mm f/11 1/500sec. ISO320
Weisse Lütschine. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 44mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO320
Mürrenbachfall. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 50mm f/11 1/80sec. ISO320
Glacier. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 400mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO320
A farm in the valley. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO100
Little cabin. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 100mm f/11 1/40sec. ISO100
Train to Wengen. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/640sec. ISO500
Little cabins above the valley. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 107mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO250
The magical valley. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 27mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO100
PD: this post is dedicated to Queco and Esther. I hope you liked your visit to Switzerland as much as I loved having you here!! Love you!
Mercedes, your descriptive writing is as good as your photos. Great job on taking us to this magical valley!
Thanks a million, Anne!! I’m always trying to improve my “storytelling”! As well as my English, hehehe Fortunately, this valley is very inspiring. It’s easier to find the words when the place looks like this one!! It must be the forth post I write about this valley… I can’t get enough of it!!! I just hope people don’t get bored with photos of the same place once or twice a year, hehehe
Great pictures Mercedes! I love the heavy clouds dropping in the valley while the sun paints the other side in lush summery greens. I might come around soon te buy me a nice chunck of Alpkäse. 🙂 (Wonderful capture that one in particular)
Thanks a million, Peter!! Days like this one are the most beautiful. When the weather changes so fast, the light coming and going and creating beautiful shades of colors… Dramatic clouds and blue sky, all at the same time… It’s just too beautiful! Hehehe! And in this valley, Lauterbrunnen, this kind of weather is specially beautiful.
Ah, that Alpkäse… I could travel almost 3 hours by train just to buy a piece of it or drink fresh milk in Lauterbrunnen… these small things are the real luxuries of Switzerland! 🙂
Como siempre me dejas con la boca abierta con tus maravillosas fotografías y tus descripciones sobre tus andanzas y excursiones, por esos valles y montañas de cuento.
Enhorabuena un beso muy fuerte
Ay, mil gracias, María!!! Nada me hace más ilusión que saber que te han gustado las fotos!! 🙂 Un beso enorme!