As I mentioned in my previous post, my brother in law stayed with us for a few days. I  wanted to show him really beautiful Swiss landscapes and, after taking him to Lauterbrunnen, the stakes were very high! So, after taking him to a valley that looks like made by fairies… Where could we take him?? There were a lot of candidates, but one location was in my mind from the beginning… beautiful lake, surrounded by huge peaks and with mirror-like reflections… I think I have already showed you this place: Seealpsee!!!

We couldn’t have chosen a better place… This time, we didn’t take the gondola to Ebenalp. The forecast for that day was storms in the afternoon, so we went directly to the lake. The view we got when we arrived was gorgeous. Since we went there in January, things have changed a lot!! There was no ice or snow near the lake. The lake wasn’t dark anymore and had a beautiful turquoise color and impressive reflections… A bit farther, a gorgeous carpet of dandelions covered the whole landscape, contrasting with the mighty mountains around the lake and the blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds. And finally the käserei (a little cheese farm by the lake) was open and we could try the cheeses made by the lake…

So, nice weather, gorgeous landscape, picnic by the lake…. Do you think we managed to impress my brother in law?? I really hope so!!! And I also wish that, after these little trips around Switzerland, he wants to visit us again soon! 🙂

Here are a few photos I took that day. What do you think?

Seealpsee. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/320sec. ISO200
Reflections. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/320sec. ISO200
A see of flowers in Seealp. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 44mm f/11 1/200sec. ISO200
Road to the farm. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 35mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO200
A farm in Seealp. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 61mm f/11 1/250sec. ISO200
Berggasthaus. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 65mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO200
Green shades. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/320sec. ISO200
View of the lake. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/250sec. ISO200
Another view of Seealpsee. Canon EOS 5d Mark IV 24mm f/11 1/250sec. ISO200
Long exposure in Seealpsee. Canon EOS 1200d 18mm f/22 30sec. ISO100 ND1024 Grad-ND8



  1. 😍😍😍😍

  2. Fotos preciosas Mer. Que bonita la foto del hotel al lado Del Río. Comer ahí debe ser una delicia.

    • Muchas gracias, Isaac!! Este es uno de los lagos más bonitos que hemos visto hasta ahora, tanto en invierno como en verano!!!! El restaurante habrá que probarlo algún día…. que ese día hicimos picnic! 🙂

  3. What do I think? I think is good that I read your blog while eating breakfast because it starts my day off on a high! Yes, the scenery is beautiful, but the photography is great. Love your blog.

    • And reading your comments makes my day!!! Thanks for being at the other side, Anne!! Knowing that you like my photography always encourages me to keep going out and exploring and learning more!!
      Have a beautiful week!!!

  4. Beautiful photographs!!

  5. Pingback:Hiking Alpstein again – MERCEDES CATALAN

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