One of the things that I love about Switzerland is its weather. It may sound like a weird thing to say for a Spaniard. But it is true. I love that Switzerland has four very distinct seasons, that it is cold in winter and hot in summer, and the seasons […]
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Last days of autumn
Since I came back from Seville, weather hasn’t been great in Switzerland. Temperatures have dropped suddenly and it feels like winter. The impressive autumn colors from a few weeks ago have faded. It has even snowed already in the lower parts of the country (but it was a brief snowfall […]
Read MoreGolden Obersee
It’s been a bit over two and a half years since I moved to Switzerland. Since the very first moment, and every time the weather has allowed us, we’ve been busy exploring this great little country, mostly hiking and wandering in the beautiful Swiss Alps. It has been a delightful […]
Read MoreHike to Steingletscher
I write this post from Spain. I’ve been here already for a few weeks, enjoying my time with family and friends. The weather is warm, the days are still long… I’ve been at the beach, I’ve explored a few new places and I’m having a great time just relaxing at […]
Read MoreThe three lakes of Vals
We took it easy on our first day in Vals, exploring the surroundings of the beautiful Zervreilasee (Zervreila lake). After the long rainy and lazy spring, I didn’t want to exhaust myself on the first day of our trip. But the second day we decided to make a bigger effort […]
Read MoreVals, the hidden valley
A few days ago was our wedding anniversary, and it has already become a tradition to make a trip to celebrate it. And I love it! A long weekend far from home, exploring a new place, eating great food and relaxing… Is there any better way to celebrate great occasions? […]
Read MoreZüri-Fäscht: the great Zurich festival
After a small break from the online world, here I am again! A few days ago, we celebrated in Zurich the Züri-Fäscht. This is a summer festival that takes place in the city of Zurich every three years and the biggest festival in the whole of Switzerland. During three days, […]
Read MoreParis III. The Catholic Heritage
Since I was a little girl, one of the things that has always fascinated me when I visit a new city is its churches. I’ve always felt very intrigued by them, specially by the great Gothic cathedrals, their incredible architecture and their infinite tiny details: the sculptures, the impressive and […]
Read MoreParis, the City of Light
I missed last week’s post, I know. But there’s a good reason for that. March has been a busy month with a few trips within Switzerland and to other locations… I haven’t published anything but I’ve been very busy exploring new places and taking a lot of photos! It’s been […]
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