Our first two days hiking in Vals were amazing (you can see the photos here and here). Beautiful views, lakes, farms, marmots… It was a very nice return to the mountains after the long rainy spring. As the previous days left us with a very good feeling, we decided to […]
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Vals, the hidden valley
A few days ago was our wedding anniversary, and it has already become a tradition to make a trip to celebrate it. And I love it! A long weekend far from home, exploring a new place, eating great food and relaxing… Is there any better way to celebrate great occasions? […]
Read MorePretty Amsterdam. Part II
My week in Amsterdam seemed a lot shorter than a week… So many things to see and such a short time! The second part of my week in the city started on Saturday. My brother is a triathlete and, as such, he has to train every day. So while he […]
Read MorePretty Amsterdam
A few days ago I visited Amsterdam for the first time. My brother has been living there with his girlfriend for some time and it was about time for me to visit them… now that I’m finally settled in Zurich, it’s the perfect time to start exploring other cities and […]
Read MoreOne last summer hike
Summer is almost over… I say almost because, when I came home last week, it still looked a lot like summer. It’s been a hot and long summer in Zurich, and the city welcomed me back exactly as I left it: scorching temperatures and a clean blue sky… It felt […]
Read MoreThe idyllic lake
It seems that this summer is all about visiting glaciers or revisiting places that I have already seen during winter. Visiting glaciers has been an impressive experience! I didn’t get to take a closer look to the Icelandic glaciers when I visited the country a few years ago, and seeing […]
Read MoreChasing shooting stars in Alpstein
If there is something that I’ve been wanting to photograph since I got my first camera, that would be stars and starry skies… And this is something that somehow I can never do! Sometimes is the weather, other times it is the moon, and some other it is the tiredness […]
Read MoreA walk into the Glacier
It’s been a few weeks of heat wave here in Switzerland. With thermometers over 30º, it’s hard to go outside during the day, and even harder to sleep well at night… I’d never had imagined that summers in Switzerland could be so hot!!! Apparently, this is being an unusual summer, […]
Read MoreThe Matterhorn Glacier Trail. The last days of the Ice Giants
Once upon a time, there were two giants in the Swiss Alps. They were made of ice and they lived up in the highest summits. From there, they covered huge extensions. Their power was huge. You couldn’t see them moving, but they did, slowly. And in their step, they transformed […]
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