Post Tagged with: "España"

Exploring Antequera and El Torcal

I’ve been a bit missing lately. I have spent a few days in Madrid, Spain. I can’t call it holidays, as we have just been visiting family. With the Covid still spreading everywhere, we limited our social interactions to just our closest ones, avoiding friends almost completely. I missed them! […]

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Colors of Seville. Part III

All good things come to an end. And after four beautiful days exploring the city, my trip to Seville ended as well. But before flying back to Zurich, we dedicated the last day to visit two of the most important monuments in Seville: the massive Gothic cathedral with its iconic […]

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Colors of Seville. Part II

Last week I showed you photos from the first days of my trip to Seville (there were a few technical problems with that post, so if you missed it, you can read it here). As I told you then, I went there for a wedding and we extended the trip […]

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Colors of Seville

Sevilla tiene un color especial. Los del Río, a Spanish group from Seville, sang this song in 1992 for the Universal Expo in 1992 and it became a non-official hymn of the city. It describes all the things that make you fall in love with this beautiful city: its people, […]

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