This last week has been really cold in Dublin and I wasn’t feeling very well. I couldn’t go out but I’ve been catching up with some photos from this summer. I finally found some time to review and edit some of the photos I took during my trip to Scotland last June. I already posted some photos of the part of the trip I spent in the route named North Coast 500 (the North Coast Part I and Part II), so here is the final part of my days in the North Coast.
The starting point of this trip was Hemlsdale, at the northeast coast of Scotland, where we had spent the previous night. The day started with the typical Scottish weather: cold, cloudy, rainy and with very low light. The first stop of the day was a little detour to the Glen Loth, a small and beautiful green valley crossed by a solitary single lane road, with nothing of interest except for the beautiful landscape. In spite of the intense rain, I could finally take some photographs of a herd of red deer.
The next stop was the impressive Dunrobin Castle and its beautiful gardens, where I could enjoy also its falconry demonstration and photograph (or try to) some birds of prey in flight.
To finish the trip, before arriving to Inverness, I visited the Falls of Shin and the Rogie Falls, two beautiful and small but powerful waterfalls where I could see wild salmons leaping their way up the river.
Unfortunately, when I arrived to Inverness the weather was even worse than at the beginning of the day, so I went straight to my B&B to recover for the next day: a round trip around Loch Ness.

Red deer under the rain. Canon EOS 1200D 250mm f/11 1/15sec. ISO 100
Storm clouds at Glen Loth. Canon EOS 1200D 10mm f/11 1/50sec. ISO 100
Dunrobin Castle. Canon EOS 1200D 10mm f/11 1/20sec. ISO100
Owl in flight. Canon EOS 1200D 250mm f/5.6 1/800sec. ISO 1600
Peregrine falcon. Canon EOS 1200D 169mm f/5.6 1/400sec. ISO 1600
Rogie Falls. Canon EOS 1200D 10mm f/22 1sec. ISO100

Weekly Photo Challenge


  1. That owl photo is outstanding!

    • Thanks a million, Michael!! I would have liked to take a faster shot to freeze the movement of the wings, but the day was very dark and my telephoto lens is not very luminous… But it’s always fun to try to photograph birds in fly! 🙂
      (I also tried to catch the peregrine falcon, but they are too fast!!!)

  2. Pingback:The Scottish Highlands Part II. Loch Ness – MERCEDES CATALAN

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