I was looking forward to this autumn, as this is my first in Zurich. Spring and summer had been awesome seasons and I couldn’t wait to see the city covered in golden leaves… Well, it didn’t disappoint me! October has been a very warm month, almost like summer, and very dry (until now!). I’ve seen the summer green colours changing slowly to a wonderful palette of yellow, orange and red colours in the city. With the last windy days, a carpet of orange leaves has covered the ground in many streets and parks. And there is a wonderful autumnal scent of roasted chesnuts from the stalls installed everywhere in the city centre…
Now the weather has changed and it’s colder and a bit more rainy and windy. Soon all these colours will disappear and the Christmas season will be here with all its lights and decorations and festive ambience. But I hope I can enjoy a few more moments of this gorgeous and romantic season in Zurich.
Here are a few shots I took these last two weeks while showing the city centre to some friends that visited us recently. I hope you like them!

Seefeldquai. Canon EOS1200D 50mm f/11 1/100sec. ISO100
Orange. Canon EOS1200D 50mm f/2 1/3200sec. ISO100
Limmatquai. Canon EOS1200D 50mm f/11 1/80sec. ISO100
Views from Grossmünster. Canon EOS1200D 18mm f/11 1/400sec. ISO100
Roses in Augustinergasse fountain. Canon EOS1200D 18mm f/5 1/50sec. ISO100
Rose in Augustinergasse fountain. Canon EOS1200D 28mm f/5 1/125sec. ISO400
Roses in Augustinergasse fountain. Canon EOS1200D 30mm f/5 1/125sec. ISO400
Lindenhof. Canon EOS1200D 55mm f/11 1/125sec. ISO100
Light and darkness in Zurich. Canon EOS1200D 55mm f/11 1/100sec. ISO100
After the rain. Canon EOS1200D 33mm f/5 1/200sec. ISO100
Lindenhof. Canon EOS1200D 41mm f/11 1/25sec. ISO100

Weekly Photo Challenge – Glow


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