These last weeks have been a bit caothic. I didn’t have so much time to sit in front of my laptop to edit photos. But I’m ok with that. I’m enjoying this summer so much. I travelled to Spain a few days ago, I’ve been hiking in the Swiss mountains and, most of all, I’ve been enjoying this incredible weather! After two years in Sweden and three in Ireland, I wasn’t used to the heat and sunny days anymore. But I found that here in Switzerland the summer is just perfect!! Most of the days are sunny and hot, but not scorching as the Spanish summer. And just when you think that it’s starting to be very hot, storms come and cool the air.
After Ireland I thought I hated the rain. But a few weeks ago I realized that, in small doses like in this Swiss summer, it can be wonderful. It happened in Lucerne. After spending most of the day walking in Mt. Rigi, I arrived to Lucerne, where dark clouds were covering the city. I had time to explore again this beautiful city before it started pouring. It was a beautiful view, the pretty streets of Lucerne under the moody evening light filtering through the storm clouds. Not the typical summer scene but still beautiful, isn’t it?

Mt. Pilatus from Lucerne lake. Canon EOS1200D 18mm f/11 1/80sec. ISO100
Chapel bridge. Canon EOS1200D 18mm f/11 1/50sec. ISO100
Pretty facades. Canon EOS1200D 24mm f/11 1/15sec. ISO100
Lucerne. Canon EOS1200D 37mm f/11 1/20sec. ISO100S
Storm over Lucerne. Canon EOS1200D 20mm f/11 1/20sec. ISO100
Rain over Lucerne Old Town. Canon EOS1200D 18mm f/11 1/13sec. ISO100
Dying lion of Lucerne. Canon EOS1200D 23mm f/13 1/6sec. ISO100
Lucerne. Canon EOS1200D 32mm f/11 1/100sec. ISO100
Streets of Lucerne. Canon EOS1200D 45mm f/11 1/250sec. ISO400

Weekly Photo Challenge


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