Although it’s been four years since I moved from Spain, I always come back in Christmas to spend these days with my family. It’s always nice to be back in December: the weather is nicer than in the north, the days are a bit longer too and the city is really beautiful with all the Christmas decorations. Every year I go downtown to see the Christmas lights. I love to see my city like a tourist and rediscover its beautiful streets and neighborhoods.
A few days ago I went to my favourite area in Madrid: Paseo del Prado, Retiro, the neighborhood of Salamanca, Gran Vía… I’m specially fond of this area, since it was where I used to work a few years ago. Some of the most iconic sights of Madrid (and Spain) are in this area and, if they are already beautiful, in Christmas they’re even more.
Merry Christmas from Madrid!!!! 🙂

Apolo fountain. Canon 1200D 55mm f/11 15sec. ISO 100
Calle Alcalá. Canon 1200D 18mm f/10 30sec. ISO 100
Nativity scene in the Spanish Army Headquarters. Canon 1200D 18mm f/3.5 3.2secs. ISO 100
Gran Vía. Canon 1200D 23mm f/11 30sec. ISO 100
Cibeles fountain, detail. Canon 1200D 200mm f/5.6 4sec. ISO 100
Cibeles fountain. Canon 1200D 70mm f/4.5 8sec. ISO 100
Puerta de Alcalá. Canon 1200D 21mm f/8 30sec. ISO 100
Calle Velázquez. Canon 1200D 44mm f/29 30sec. ISO 100
Christmas lights in Calle Velázquez. Canon 1200D 250mm f/29 6sec. ISO 100


  1. Nice post

  2. Pingback:Summer in Spain. Madrid – MERCEDES CATALAN

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